
La Muela - Zaragoza

España > Zaragoza > La Muela
18-02-11 14:00 #7104297

The Environment Minister declares Aragons for La Muela
La Almunia de Doa Godina (Zaragoza) Feb 11 () .- The Minister of Environment Aragons, Alfredo Bon, who is also general secretary of the PAR, said today as a witness before the judge Almunia, who is investigating the alleged plot corrupcin urbanstica the municipality of La Muela, terracotta warriors which is charged about 40 people.
T his has been, until now, the only member of the Government Aragons has been subpoenaed to testify in this case, but today also have done equally as witnesses, vice president of the Provincial Council Zaragoza, Martn Llanas, Socialist mayor of battery, and the former engineer of the corporation Fausto Comenges.
Following his Declaration before Judge Alfredo Lajusticia, head of the court number 1 of La Almunia investigating the case, Bon has told media members that have gone « very well », which has responded » to all questions « they have done, » Both the judge, as prosecutor and lawyers, terracotta army and who is « very pleased to have appeared as a witness. »
« For me it was important to partner with the law on the issues that I have wanted to ask, » he added-counselor, who has assured that est « delighted » to have contributed, « if bean place to clarify some of the issues around the administrative process, which is what most people have asked me, « he explained.
Noting that I did not want to comment on what you have asked, « no right answer here is what I responded in a session closed to the court » has clarified that not volverna quote again.
On the other hand, announced that the Institute of Water Aragons formalized this week’s request to individuals by the civil will hurt the case in accordance with the Indication of Judge Alfredo La Justice, owner of Court No number 1 of La Almunia, who is investigating the corruption urbanstica in La Muela.
In this regard, he added that, in his view, the utilization of the criminal is due to the prosecution.
For corrupcin urbanstica de La Muela was uncovered March 18, 2009 Dwell with the mayor of the town, Mara Victoria Pinilla, Aragons Party (PAR), which was discharged later,terracotta soldiers and seventeen other people, including her ex-husband, councilors and businessmen doing business in the people, about 30 km est of Zaragoza.
Est Pinilla accused of numerous crimes, including bribery, revelation of secret negotiations with officials banned public, traffic of influences, prevaricacin, subsidy fraud, audience flow malversacin and money laundering.
The summary of the case La Muela accumulates more than two hundred volumes after nearly two years of investigations which have been cited many people declare, politicians representatives, officials of the administraciny entrepreneurs.

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