
Cambrils - Tarragona

Espaņa > Tarragona > Cambrils
04-06-10 13:38 #5471182
Por:No Registrado
cinco dedos
The possibility of finding an individual that wants to dedicate his life serving, and healing others, is something hard to achieve these days. That there was a real Father Mario Pantaleo, who embodied all that is good and noble in a human being, is a rewarding answer to that question. This godly man had a gift of having hands that made people better, as is the case at the start of the story when he heals Perla, a woman who has come to Father Mario in search of a cure for her illness.

"Las Manos", an Argentine film with its heart in the right place, was shown recently in a cable channel. Directed by Alejandro Doria, who also collaborated on the screen play with Juan Bautista Stagnaro, is a film that concentrates on the work of Father Mario, who had a mission in life to make other people well. His good deeds had a way of turning against him against the Catholic Church that should have been proud of counting Mario among the privileged few that are better known as saints.

"Las manos" is an uplifting film because it shows us a dedicated man who only wanted to bring hope and well being to the ones that came in contact with this extraordinary person. The film works because of the excellent work of Jorge Marrale, an actor who we had admired in precious work. Mr. Marrale does wonders with his role and makes us believe he is Father Mario. Graciela Borges, who has aged gracefully in front of the camera, is on hand to portrait Perla, the woman who was grateful for her own cure and came to stay by the saintly man to help in whatever way she could in order to prove how much she cared.

"Las manos" is an interesting film that will reassure even the most skeptical viewers because of the man at the center of the story. Excellent work by Mr. Doria and Mr. Marrale and Ms. Borges.

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