
Cambrils - Tarragona

España > Tarragona > Cambrils
01-06-10 21:47 #5454900
Por:No Registrado
El PP propone prohibir el burka en cualquier lugar
El PP propone prohibir el burka en cualquier lugar

"En Tarragona no son bienvenidas las costumbres que fomentan la desigualdad"

El Portavoz del Grupo Municipal del Partido Popular en el ayuntamiento de Tarragona, Alejandro Fernández, ha anunciado que "presentaremos una moción para prohibir el uso del velo integral tanto en espacios municipales como en la vía pública".

Según Fernández, "es cierto que el país tiene un problema prioritario que es la crisis económica pero el leer, no nos puede hacer perder al escribir. En momentos como el actual, de incertidumbre, tenemos que defender, con más convicción que nunca, si es posible, los derechos que tanto nos costó conseguir". "Es por ello", ha añadido el líder popular tarraconense, "que creemos que es el momento de enviar un mensaje: en Tarragona no son bienvenidas las costumbres que fomentan la desigualdad".

Alejandro Fernández ha declarado que "por lo tanto, pediremos la modificación de la Ordenanza General de Convivencia Ciudadana y Uso de los Espacios Públicos de Tarragona para limitar el acceso y uso del velo integral y otras vestimentas o accesorios que cubran totalmente la cara y dificulten la identificación y comunicación visual tanto en las vías públicas como a los equipamientos y edificios municipales. Deseamos poder contar con el apoyo del resto de grupos municipales ya que nuestra moción quiere defender los derechos y la libertad de la mujer y garantizar la igualdad y la convivencia"
03-06-10 14:02 #5464978 -> 5454900
Por:No Registrado
RE: El PP propone prohibir el burka en cualquier lugar
Grigory Yefimovich Rasputin is has been described as one of the most scandalous figures in Russian history. A semi-literate peasant from Siberia, he arrived in St. Petersburg, the capital of Russia, and within a few years had become one of the most influential men in the Russian government.
This is his story.

Rasputin arrived in St. Petersburg in the robes of a monk, as a self-styled 'holy man', or 'staretz', with a reputation as a reckless drunkard, a healer, and a womaniser. He had created his own 'theology' from different cults and sects, and believed that a person had to sin in order to become holy. He aquired the name Rasputin as a nickname ... it means 'dissolute' or 'debauched' in Russian ... and he certainly lived up to his name. In addition to his less than upstanding ways, he was also dirty and unkempt. He never washed or changed clothes, and his greasy hair and ragged appearance helped convince his followers that he was a 'man of God'. He was also known for his intense personal magnetism, which was augmented by his piercing, (some said hypnotic) blue eyes.

In the first decade of the 1900's Russia was ruled by a Royal family.
Nicholas II, the head of the Romanov family and the reigning Tsar, was surrounded in the palace by his family, including his wife Alexandra and their youngest son Alexis.
The Tsar's youngest son Alexis suffered from a genetic disease called hemophilia, which resulted in uncontrolled bleeding and hemorrhaging, often leaving him weak and bedridden. The disease was incurable; doctors could do little except prescribe rest.
Rasputin had, through friends of the Royal family, been invited to the palace, and it wasn't long before he became a confidante, telling stories to the children and giving Biblical advice to Alexandra. She became taken with him.

Strangely, Rasputin's presence at Alexis' bedside often left him dramatically improved, to the great astonishment of the doctors. Alexandra requested Rasputin's presence whenever Alexis was overcome with the disease. At one point, Alexis suffered severe hemorrhaging, and Rasputin's presence seemed to miraculously help the boy recover.

At this point (after about 1910), Rasputin's standing in the Russian community improved. As a favoured friend of the Royal family, he became the centre of attention at many social gatherings, and even managed to dress in clean clothes.

But he was overbearing, disrespectful, obnoxious, and rude, and did not make many friends outside the Royal family.
In fact, people outside the palace began to suspect he was a fraud, but Alexandra would not believe it when people told her this. Nicholas attempted to send Rasputin away, but Alexandra brought him back. Rasputin remained in favour at the palace.

He took advantage of his hold over Alexandra by becoming involved with politics. He appointed people to government positions, and fired others. Many of the people he held influence over were corrupt, lazy, or incompetent. Anyone who objected to his behaviour was removed from office. Complaints to Nicholas fell on deaf ears, as Alexandra always stood up for Rasputin. Rasputin was becoming unpopular, and making enemies. Scandal after scandal ocurred in the government because of the actions of the unscrupulous people he had appointed. Nicholas's popularity as Tsar was suffering as well, since Rasputin was seen to be in his favour.

Meanwhile, the First World War had begun, and Russia was at war with Germany. In 1915 Nicholas took command of the Russian troops fighting the Germans. He left Alexandra, as Tsarina, to act as ruler in his absence. Of course, she had Rasputin at her side, acting as advisor, and giving advice on how to run the country, and how to conduct the war. Nicholas, regrettably, went along with her decisions.
In a short time, the country was in chaos.

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