
España > Leon > Destriana
08-04-13 17:05 #11209298

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08-04-14 15:49 #11970173 -> 11209298
Por:No Registrado
RE: DESTRIANA - Piramide de poblacion - Padron 2012
Ayer 8 de mayo, Maite visitf3 nuestro colgeio (Sagrado Corazf3n de Godella). Desde el primer momento captf3 la atencif3n de los 90 alumnos de 3ba de Primaria. De una forma lfadica y participativa les ensef1f3 los elementos que favorecen o perjudican nuestra salud.Creo que su libro de los Cuidix es muy interesante y recomendable.Desde aqued nuestro agradecimiento a Maite y a la Plataforma de valores por su visita y por su aportacif3n en la creacif3n de un mundo mejor.
09-04-14 08:14 #11971065 -> 11209298
Por:No Registrado
RE: DESTRIANA - Piramide de poblacion - Padron 2012
hola deje la iglesia hace 8 af1os al af1o ya quriea volver ..el proximo domingo vuelvo a asistir de nuevo estoy contento yo naci en la iglesia fui hasta los 20 af1os quisiera contactarme via mail con miembros de la plata o del mundo entero saludos y recuerden cristo nos ama hace poco me paso algo .
09-04-14 08:21 #11971076 -> 11209298
Por:No Registrado
RE: DESTRIANA - Piramide de poblacion - Padron 2012
Wow een pracht kaart! Bedankt dat je <a href=" ">meeoedt</a> bij DCL en bedankt voor de free-bee. Hij past volgens mij heel mooi bij de kaart-in-de-maak die ik voor me op tafel heb liggen.Groetjes, Ange8le
09-04-14 12:21 #11971292 -> 11209298
Por:No Registrado
RE: DESTRIANA - Piramide de poblacion - Padron 2012
MazenRight on the other side of my place :-) Have seen it and must admit it was amusing to see pepole enjoy themselves and it does look pretty albeit a bit touristy. But from what I can tell it only curves around to the Colloseum which is nice cuz it stops at the top of the parallel hilltop curving road with a nice view Shame really cuz if the tram made a whole detour especially going from the Colloseum to the Tiber up to St. Peter .well and imagine it whipping up the Gianicolo where you could have your dessert with that spectacular view of Rome.:-) Would be well worth the money n more.Another curiosity is where the heck is the kitchen? No way did it seem that the kitchen would fit the small train and that's an issue with food and having your pasta al dente. A definite culinary challenge.If any city should be a Tram-city it is Rome, but unfortunately even the Trams that they meant to put up from Trastevere to Colloseum and spent loads of money turned to be a total inept fiasco Interestingly enough on the other side of Termini, in Porta Maggiore are some nice old Trams, nothing spectacular even some would find them horrid cuz they are old and beat down, but I think they are quite lovely really and are an ode to the yester glory years when the Tram reigned public transport in Rome. Makes you feel like your travelling back in time. PS Great pictures, cobblestones, the lamps, lighting you capture it beautifully. In fact you flatter it in my opinion a bit, they should look you up for advertising! [url= ] [link= ]
11-04-14 04:49 #11973368 -> 11209298
Por:No Registrado
RE: DESTRIANA - Piramide de poblacion - Padron 2012
Con que se sumen querrc3a1s decir que los cumplan. No, mejor que no se nos sume ningc3ban patdrio, a ver si ahora va a resultar que eran ellos los que lo pedc3adan. Que lo cumplan, que es lo que les toca. [url= ] [link= ]

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13 incendios en Destriana queman 55.12 Ha durante el decenio 2001-2010 Por: 27-09-12 00:54
DESTRIANA Listas Electorales Municipales 2011 Por: 05-05-11 14:21
Ayuntamiento de Destriana - Aprobados 68.864 € - Fondo Estatal para el Empleo y la Sostenibilidad Local Por: 12-11-09 21:01
Saludar a Charo Martínez Por: No Registrado 24-03-08 23:47
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