
Carataunas - Granada

España > Granada > Carataunas
16-09-10 12:01 #6121248

Born the grouping of PSOE in Carataunas
Como cortesia hacia los residentes en Carataunas que todavia no hablan bien español traducimos nuestra presentación. Esperando poder entendernos. Sonriente
As a courtesy to residents Carataunas who still do not speak Spanish fluently translate our presentation. Hoping to understand. Sonriente

Good Day, to all the residents of Carataunas and Region.

We are the recently formed association of PSOE for Carataunas.
A small group of people living here, a few lucky enough to have been born here, others having the privilege of having chosen Carataunas as their home.
The common denominator is, that we all want a better future for our village, trough democratic change.

The idea of this new association is to start a political UNION of the people of the village and the sorrounding municipality, to work toward a Carataunas which has the interest of ALL at heart.
One aim we have, is to created employment for the local population through the town council with public and private enterprise, to bring about sustainable progress using the ideas and collaboration of the local people for the good of all.
No more lies, corruption and broken promises.
We are all ready for change, for a better future for carataunas through TRUTH, TRANSPARENCY, HONESTY and UNITY, whith the consent of all, to return our village to a functioning and pleasant place to live.

We welcome new members and volunteers to work with us.

Together we are strong

Ana Mª Loureiro Longueira Secretaría General
Nina Bernal Bohorquez Presidencia
Antonio jimenez Larragay Secretaría de Finanzas
Andrea Powel Secretaría de Organización
Daniel Orensanz Loureiro Secretaría de Politica Municipal
Francisco Fernández Fernández Vocal

Tema (Autor) Ultimo Mensaje Resp
La candidatura del psoe os invita..... Por: transparente72 13-05-11 20:11
LA AGRUPACIÓN DEL PSOE DE CARATAUNAS OS DESEA.... Por: No Registrado 19-12-10 08:33
No Registrado
Nace en Carataunas la Agrupacion del PSOE. Por: No Registrado 20-10-10 17:49
No Registrado
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