
Zarzuela de Jadraque - Guadalajara

España > Guadalajara > Zarzuela de Jadraque
07-07-09 04:31 #2654613
Por:No Registrado
Greetings to my spanish friends
I've been to Zarzuela before Christmas of 2003 during an exchange between Greece and Spain. I will always have the best memories for this village and its people(Neila, Cris, Maria, Teresa, Hesuz and the other people I met).

While I was nostalgic about the time I spent to Zarzuela.I found this site and I grabbed the opportunity to write some words to thank you about this time.

I am not sure that this will be read by anyone because I didn't know where to post(I don't know spanish).Anyway if somenone who remembers me read this he or she should send my thanks and my best wishes to everyone else.

I am Manolis from Greece(
24-07-09 09:39 #2781445 -> 2654613
Por:No Registrado
RE: Greetings to my spanish friends
Dear Manolis:
I´m JESÚS not Hesuz.

It´s extremely nice to know about you, wonderful surprise for me and all the group who had the opportunity to share that time with you: "The Greek People"... We always say: "Do you remember when the Greek people came?"

Maybe you will not belive me if I tell you I´ve got very beautiful memories about that time in Zarzuela de Jadraque and I´m a bit nostalgic as well.

Zarzuela de Jadraque is growing, now we have several pregnant women, so if we have children all the village is alive again. Our little place in the world will live another generation.

Keep in contact Manolis.
Jesús Sanz.

Tema (Autor) Ultimo Mensaje Resp
Elecciones Generales 2015 - Resultados electorales en Zarzuela de Jadraque Por: 20-12-15 22:25
Foto: Ayuntamiento de Zarzuela de Jadraque Por: No Registrado 04-04-11 19:23
No Registrado
Elecciones Europeas 2009 - Resultados electorales ZARZUELA DE JADRAQUE Por: 10-06-09 18:58
MUEBLES SANZ ATIENZA Por: No Registrado 09-12-08 05:47
No Registrado
Simulador Plusvalia Municipal - Impuesto de Circulacion (IVTM) - Calculo Valor Venal - Ultima actualizacion:07/08/2020
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