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01-12-10 01:32 #6622747

ES OFICIAL : No hay suficiente dinero para rescatar a España
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ES OFICIAL : No hay suficiente dinero para rescatar a España

Escrito por: a las 10:28,am el dia 25 noviembre, 2010 en Curiosidades · Comments (0)


Parece que los rescates en la UE se detendrán en Portugal por una simple razón : cuando Europa creó el EFSF ( European Financial Stability Facility ) no pensaba que podría ser necesario rescatar a ningún país y tras el rescate de Irlanda el Efsf no tiene suficiente dinero para un posible rescate de España.

Del Dow Jones: "The European emergency fund, promoted as having the financial firepower to douse a financial crisis in the euro zone, may not even have enough money to cover a bailout of Spain. "[The fund] will be very close to the line, it will be precarious and it won't leave anything for anybody else," said Whitney Debevoise, a sovereign-debt lawyer with Arnold Porter and former World Bank executive director." Of course, if and when Spain is bailed out, other bail outs will be irrelevant, as at that point the vigilantes will focus squarely on Germany. At that moment, nothing less than a complete dissolution of the currency union and an unmitigated monetization ala Weimar will save what is left of the productive powers remaining in Europe.

The EU has EUR440 billion committed from member countries to its European Financial Stability Facility, the fund being used to extend bailout aid to Ireland. Requirements by European officials that the bailout bonds have a triple-A rating lowers the EU's lending capability to EUR250 billion, in addition to EUR60 billion available in the EU budget. The International Monetary Fund has said it will lend an additional 50% to European countries.

If Ireland requires between EUR80 billion and EUR100 billion–as officials indicate–and Portugal needs an estimated EUR50 billion to cover its sovereign debt refinancing needs, that barely leaves enough to cover Spain's sovereign debt rollover requirements over the next three years. Greece's EUR110 billion package was arranged before the bailout fund was set up.

Si Irlanda necesita entre 80 y 100 mil millones y Portugal necesita sobre 50 mil millones para cubrir sus necesidades de refinanciación de su deuda soberana, el dinero que quedaría no llegaría apenas para los requisitos de financiación de la deuda de España en los tres próximos años. El paquete de Grecia fue aprobado antes de la creación del EFSF.

The problem, said an IMF official, is that Portugal and Spain may also ultimately need to fund banks' recapitalization or wholesale liabilities, and the European bailout mechanism just doesn't have the capacity to cover those financing gaps.

El problema dijo un funcionario del FMI es que Portugal y España pueden tener la necesidad de financiar la recapitalización de los bancos o pasivos, y el mecanismo de rescate europeo simplemente no tiene la capacidad de cubrir los deficits de financiación.
01-12-10 13:21 #6630344 -> 6622747

RE: ES OFICIAL : No hay suficiente dinero para rescatar a España
jovinsanis,esto lo estabamos biendo benir¿no?,igual que cuando el señor zapatero,nos negaba,una y otra vez,que no era crisis,que era una leve desaceleración economica¿nó?.un saludo a galindo.

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